Friday, May 24, 2024

How to open a bottle without a bottle opener?

Have you had a long day? Now what you all need is a glass of chilled beer, nice wine, or a fancy soda to relax? Oh, wait! Your glass bottle or wine bottle doesn’t have a twist in its cap to open.

(Image Source:Idea Bottles

1. Use your keys to open a bottle

Slide the key’s long side under the bottle cap with your dominant hand. Then loosen the cap by twisting the key in the upward direction. Now you can turn your glass bottle a bit to do the same.

2. Use any available edge to open a bottle

Place one edge of your bottle’s cap on the edge of a table or a countertop. Make sure to hold the bottle’s neck tight. Also,use your hand properly to slam down on your glass bottle. To open up a bottle with this trick may take a few taps.

3. Snip the lid off with scissors

When you have to open a beer bottle without any bottle opener,trying this trick can save you as well. Grab strong scissors and hold the cap of your bottle this firmly. Start twisting cap with scissors upward. Repeat this process around your bottle’s cap,until the cap pops off.

4. Door frame can help you as well

To make this trick work,you have to tilt the bottle on its side a bit. Line up the edge of the cap of your bottle with the door’s lip or any empty latch of lock. Now apply the pressure at the bottle to an angle to make the cap pop off.

Being distracted by something like not having a bottle opener to open your bottle is something that always feels frustrating. This can break the moment,especially when you don’t know how to open a bottle without a bottle opener.Well,things aren’t the same anymore. It is because in the above guide you have got to know about the best ways to open a bottle without any bottle opener. So,enjoy every moment without the worry of keeping a bottle opener with you.

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